【Monster Strike】Monst News – Oct 19 2023【モンスト】

【Monster Strike】Monst News – Oct 19 2023【モンスト】

Summary of News Items:
Collab Updates
Dio Insidious(超究極) revealed: Oct 20
Jojo’s Coin Quest revealed: Oct 20

Normal Updates
New Guardian Beast Undead Bunny: Oct 21
Tower of Champions Seasons announced
— Unlocks new exchangable store for items
High Difficulty Quests (超爆轟祭) to schedule: Oct 21-29
New Library Campaign x2 drops to High Difficulty Quests: Oct 21-25
Celebration #10: My best ONE
Transcension Kai – Sanzo Houshi: Oct 24
Halloween Revival 2019: Oct 26-28
Halloween Revival 2015: Oct 28-30
Transcension Kai – Fusehime α: Oct 24
Transcension Kai – Ali Baba α: Oct 24
Transcension Kai – Lewis Carroll α: Oct 24
My YouTube Twitter: https://twitter.com/scottnakYT
Monst News Updates, etc Twitter: https://twitter.com/EngMonst
Discord: https://discord.gg/4MKyFHBKue
#モンスト #モンストニュース #jojosbizzareadventure #英語実況

